Instagram Doodles

My personal instagram page, which i will endeavour to update with more designs and creative work as i travel! @creativeoverthinking

Masters Of Design

MOD was a non profit, personal project and experimentation of different design styles. In short, it was a high end, limited edition magazine to promote up and coming young designers looking for some publicity & platform to showcase their work. Throughout the journey of creating MOD i was able to experiment with a multitude of art styles from screen printing to learning how to bind my own magazine, it was an extremely fulfilling creative & learning experience. MOD was finally printed after many prototypes, paper types and inks, and ended up with around 20 different styles of paper being used at three different sizes to complete the magazine. It was a brand created from scratch, bound by hand and it took me close to a year to produce the first edition… but it was well worth it!

I keep using the word magazine but in reality, it was more of a piece of art, a way for me to express my own need for something like this when i graduated and was thrown in to the world of work. I don’t think i ever intended it to go commercial, especially as my process was all about the quality and design rather than the return i’d make. I’ll make sure to update this post with more images as i revisit MOD further, stay tuned :)